Best. Anniversary. Ever.
In my last post I left you hanging, dear reader! Joseph found all of the clue for his scavenger hunt:
CLUE #1: check the blog for important info! We both grew up in Virginia, and I have several stickers on my guitar case from... Virginia! We spend the rest of the morning until brunch singing and playing guitar together; so much fun, so romantic, and certainly a core of our relationship!
CLUE #2: we'll go to brunch and then you'll see who has your clue #3... it was... wait for it... UNCLE BAYNE!!!
CLUE #3: for clue #4 we'll have to stop by your favorite store. We arrived at the Charleston Beer Exchange whereupon I gave Joseph a hand made gift card (because it had to be paper!). Oh, and gave him...
CLUE #4: We'll go back to our alma mater where we first met, but not the right department. It is our PAPER ANNIVERSARY after all!
Lucky for us, the Halsey Institute had an exhibition as part of Spoleto that was sculptural art made from all sorts of books! The above photo was taken at the Addlestone Library. The work is interactive, and it is a book Zen garden. Perhaps the exhibition was for Spoleto, but we liked to think that C of C put it all together for our first anniversary :) And it was here that Joseph also received
CLUE #5: One more stop before we head home... but only because I need air for my tire! I had originally intended for us to do the whole scavenger hunt by bicycle; unfortunately, the weather did not get on board with my plan and it kept raining intermittently throughout the day. Anyway, the final stop was Affordabike, Joseph's favorite place to take his bike in for tune ups and to get neat gadgets and accoutrements for it. Again, he received another little hand made gift card from me :)
When we got home, this is what I found waiting for me:
Oh yes! My dear husband had created a little scavenger hunt for me, too! We went to my favorite store in Charleston, Anthropologie, and to my second favorite, HarrisTeeter! However, we had to hurry home because time was running out for us to get ready for dinner at The Macintosh:
Overall, an amazing day! Tomorrow I will fill you in on our great adventures in Atlanta!
Happy Happy Happy