Monday, December 3, 2012

Pinterest Party

I had a Pinterest party before Thanksgiving, but as is my wont, I neglected to post about it.  For those of you who do not know Pinterest, click here.  I suppose in the olden days, one might have referred to this type of party as a craft party.

I even cooked dinner from a recipe that I found on Pinterest!  You can find that recipe here.  We made salt dough ornaments that looked as though your preschooler made them, and we also opted for more grown up multi-media paintings that incorporated fabric, doilies, and of course, paint.

My painting is in the middle; Becca left before I could snag a picture of her masterpiece; my friend Jen's painting is on the left and my friend Austin's is on the right.  Austin is an art teacher, can you tell?


  1. Love it! You are so crafty! I love mixed media paintings. I am making decoupage ornaments for my kindergarten kids, so I've been compulsively cutting little pictures out of magazines and catalogs for weeks. I can't seem to stop. In my defense, my older students are doing decoupage to decorate their art supplies boxes, so there is method in my madness.

  2. How cool is this?!?!?!?! I'm going to have a pinterst party! (or is that gay?)
