Wednesday, November 30, 2011


At 11:00 last night I checked my email for the last time before turning in-- and this is what was in my inbox!

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Silver Streak!

I remember being a very small girl when Dad bought a really neat silver car (this was before the days of Marlin Perkins) and named it the Silver Streak. Apparently Dad really disliked this car, as we only had it for a few short months; and apparently I was enthralled with it because I have only positive memories of this car.

Anyway, to replace the Dot (though she will never be truly "replaced,") I have come in to possession of a 2004 Subaru Outback AWD, and I have christened her the Silver Streak. As Dad says, Joseph and I will now be the poster children of newlyweds everywhere, because, as everyone knows, Outback = camping! Speaking of which, there are tons of really cool Subaru Outback accessories for camping which I will probably be posting as Christmas comes closer.

Friday, November 18, 2011

In Memoriam...

The Dot

The Dot, as I like to call my VW Cabrio, will be retired this week. She had been making funny noises under the hood, and the tachometer would shoot to 5,000 rpm suddenly while accelerating. I took her to the mechanic who immediately diagnosed The Dot with a failing clutch and a bad transmission. I am sure most of you know that these, in themselves, are not usually terminal illnesses; however, in conjunction with each other, they will cost more than I can afford, and may only buy The Dot another few months.

The Dot was a true Volkswagon; that is to say, she was the very epitome of the People's Car. And truly she was a family car as well, coming from the distinguished lineage of Morgan Williams, to Claire Selby, and finally to Caroline with whom she spent her final four years. Even up to her last trip she could get up to 33 mpg-- a veritable feat for a car with 213,000 miles.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Well, although I do think it is a bit crass to post in honor of my own birthday, I am doing it anyway. It also happens to be National Pickle Day!

So everybody celebrate for me and for pickles!!!